Carpe Diem

Rambling snobbery - books, music, food, knitting and sewing

Monday, January 18, 2010


I am actually quite encouraged that in the last 3 days we've had 2 unplanned showings on our townhouse and 3 came to the open house. Really trying to not get my hopes up - but frankly - they are. Hope is really all I am sailing on right now so well, hope it is. If we can actually sell it on our own - it's kind of like Mac and cheese for the next year or mac and cheese for the next year but maybe a vacation sometime in the next 5 years! Famine - or famine but a light in the distance. Need a new project. Oh wait - I just picked up 20 new cushions to redo! Yeah! Money! But ugh - boring. I am more and more toying with how to make my store a reality. Picture this - "Earthly Delights" = coffee, books, yarn, music, chocolate and bath yummies. Just gotta figure out how! And where - sometimes the where is more important than the how.


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